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Vegetable, Herb

and Fruit Seeds

Shop online for quality seeds to start growing your garden.
We offer heirloom, open-pollinated,  non-GMO seeds with no chemical treatments. 


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Seed packets are send by Mercury Express to anywhere in Zambia

Asparagus ‘Mary Washington’ Seed

Perennial vegetable produces a heavy yield of uniform spears, crisp yet succulent they are packed full of essential minerals and vitamins, can be eaten raw, grilled, steamed or boiled, but do not overcook them, Resistant to rust. Great cut flower filler.
Seeds will germinate in 10 to 14 days.  Full sun, average water, rich, loose soil, spears are harvested from mature plants two years after planting.
100 seeds



Aubergine / Eggplant ‘Black beauty’  Seed

75 to 90 days to Harvest.
One of the most popular cultivars, an early cropper. Large glossy fruits. Bushy plants produce impressive high yields.
Seeds will germinate in 7 to 12 days.
Full sun, moist but well-drained soil.
Dig in lots of well-rotted, bulky organic matter before planting.
100 seeds


Aubergine / Eggplant ‘Malaysian Dark Red’  Seed

75 to 90 days to Harvest.
Heavy bearer, very productive Tender and delicious, violet-coloured fruit is long and slender. This particular type is popular for frying.
Seeds will germinate in 6 to 10 days.
Full sun, Moist but well-drained soil, Dig in lots of well-rotted, bulky organic matter before planting.
100 seeds


Carrot ‘Black Nebula’ seed

One of the darkest and most antioxidant rich carrots, long and slender, flesh is crisp and deep dark-purple to the core, may be eaten raw, cooked, roasted, steamed and juiced. Raw they are crunchy with a mild, sweet-spicy flavour, cooked they are tender and even sweeter.
Seeds will germinate in 7 to 16 days. Full sun, average water, deeply worked, loose soil, limit the amount of nitrogen in the soil to reduce the amount of hair on the carrot roots
300 seeds


Eruca sativa (Arugula/Rocket) Seed

Delicious popular green, usually eaten raw, spicy flavour adds a punchy kick to salads, sprinkle on pizza and sandwiches, blend into egg and cheese dishes, excellent source of vitamins A, B and K
Seeds will sprout in 7 to 10 days. Full sun, medium water needs, drougth tolerant once established, it is best to sow rocket seeds direct into well-prepared fertile soil, pick regularly to encourage fresh growth, can be grown year-round in Zambia
300 seeds


Lettuce Butterhead Seed

55-60 days to Harvest.
Rosettes of delicate, softly folded leaves, creamy yellow interior, buttery flavour, satiny texture, doesn’t become bitter in hot weather.
Seeds will germinate in 7 days. Full sun, average water needs, compost-rich soil.
500 seeds


Lettuce ‘Vera’ Seed

55 – 65 days to Harvest.  Vigorous variety. Sweet, attractive, glossy green leaves grow fast to a medium-large sized loose head. Crispy, crunchy texture similar to that of Ice berg. Excellent in salads and as a garnish.
Seeds will germinate in 7 days. Full sun. During the hot months choose a spot with morning sun and afternoon shade. Average water needs. Compost-rich, loose soil.
500 seeds


Lettuce ‘Marvel of Four Seasons’ Seed

60 – 70 days to harvest. A popular French butterhead with a good size, compact heart. Very attractive, outer leaves are tinged with red. As tasty as it is beautiful.
Seeds will germinate in 6 to 9 days. Full sun. Average water needs. Loose, compost-rich soil.
500 seeds


Tomato ‘Yellow Cherry’ Seed

70 days to Harvest, large clusters of golden yellow oval to round, 1 inch fruits, sweet and flavourful, good blight resistance, produce in abundance, harvest regularly to encourage more fruits, semi-determinate
Seeds will germinate in 10 to 20 days. Full sun, average water, very rich, well-draining soil, plants need to be supported by stakes or a trellis
30 seeds


Tomato ‘Indigo Rose’ Seed

90 days to Harvest. Extraordinary, dark purple to black-skinned, plum-sized fruits, bottom halve turns deep red when mature while crown stays dark purple, to get the best taste, let them ripen on the vine until they’re soft to the touch, high anti-oxidant and anthocyanin content, Indeterminate
Seeds will germinate in 6 to 15 days. Full sun, Loose, well-draining soil, rich in organic matter, Water deeply at the base of the plant only when soil is dry, add a thick layer of mulch to keep soil evenly moist, this will prevent cracking of fruits, produces exceptionally well in very hot and dry weather
30 seeds


Tomato ‘Pink Oxheart’ Seed

85 days to Harvest. This old favourite is stil popular today, large heart-shaped fruit, thin pink skin with a yellow crown, pink flesh, quite firm with a meaty texture, mild sweet tomato flavour, consistent heavy yields, good slicer, Indeterminate
Seeds will germinate in 7 to 14 days. Full sun, moderate water, rich, well-draining soil, keep soil moist but not wet, a good layer of organic mulch will help to keep soil evenly and consistently moist
30 seeds


Bush Bean ‘Contender’  Seed

60 to 70 days to harvest. Bush bean, string-less, thick tender pods, excellent flavor, produce heavy yields, very reliable, good for eating fresh, cooking, freezing, or canning, resistant to common bean mosaic virus.
Seeds will germinate in 7 to 12 days. Full sun, Average water, Sandy, rich well-draining soil, Amend soil with organic matter
30 seeds


Pole Bean ‘Kentucky Wonder’ Seed

65 days to Harvest. Delicious fresh, cooked, frozen, canned or dried for shell beans, stringless pods, wonderful flavour, reliable and dependable, vigorous, rust resistant, produce heavy crops.
Seeds will germinate in 7 to 14 days. Full sun, average water, rich, well-draining soil, regular picking every 2 to3 days will encourage plants to produce even more, space saver because it climbs, plants require support or trellis
50 seeds


Green Pepper ‘California wonder’ Seed

70 days to Harvest. One of the oldest and largest top yielding bell peppers, strong, sturdy plants produce heavy yields, sweet, crisp, mild flavour, green fruits turn red, can be eaten at any stage, ideal for eating raw in salads, also great in stir-fries, stuffed, sautéed or fried
Seeds will germinate in 10 to 20 days. Full sun, medium water needs, fertile, loose, well-drained soil, avoid too much nitrogen which will cause big vigorous plants, but few fruit. Good resistance to many diseases
200 seeds


Malawi Piquanté Pepper (Peppadew) Seed

Sweet yet spicy, slightly hot, incredible flavour, thick flesh, crunchy, small red peppers, perfect for breakfast, lunch or dinner, ideal for pickling, delicious stuffed with cream cheese, fast growing, very productive, grows well in containers
Seeds will germinate in 10 to 14 days. Full sun or afternoon shade, Average water needs, moist, well-draining soil, rich in organic matter, 1.5 m high
200 seeds


Pepper ‘Sweet Elizna’ Seed

Large, long peppers, super sweet, no heat, thick-walled, crispy, ideal for eating fresh straight from the plant, turn from green to yellow, orange or red when mature. Excellent for salads, stuffing, and cooking. Strong plants, very productive, disease resistant
Seed will germinate in 7 to 14 days. Full sun, compost-rich, very well-draining soil, apply mulch
100 seeds


Basil ‘Genovese’ Seed

Vigorous plant with large, extremely tender, fragrant, leaves, superb for pesto, taste is sweet, and spicy more aromatic than sweet basil
Seeds will germinate in 7 to 10 days.
Full sun, light afternoon shade, fertile, well-draining soil, excellent for containers
500 seeds


Tarataxacum officinale (Dandelion) Seed

Edible herb, quick growing, produce a large amount of greens, high in calcium, iron, vitamin C, and potassium, many health benefits, good sources of food for birds and bees.
Seeds will germinate in 2 to 3 weeks. Full sun, average water, rich, fertile soil with good drainage
100 seeds


Coriander / Cilantro Seed

60 days to harvest Cilantro leaves, 140 days to harvest Coriander seeds. Fast-growing, aromatic, annual herb, Seeds are called Coriander, Leaves are called Cilantro, ground coriander are used in soups, stews, and meat dishes, Cilantro are used in sauces, salsa, and pesto for use with chicken, fish, tofu, or vegetables, contains high levels of nutrients, antioxidants, and antifungal properties.
Seeds will germinate in 7 to 21 days. Full sun, medium water needs, rich, well-drained soil, grows best in the cooler weather, for a constant supply of fresh leaves, sow coriander seeds every 6-8 weeks
200 seeds


Matricaria chamomilla (German chamomile) Seed

75 days to Harvest. Masses of tiny daisy-like flowers, fern-like foliage, Makes a calming tea, one of the most popular medicinal herbs, used to treat multiple diseases and ailments. Attract bees, butterflies and birds, Chamomile may be used as a cucumber pest deterrent.
Seeds will germinate in 7 to 14 days. Full sun, Average water, loose, organic-rich soil, no fertilizer needed, Harvest flowers regularly to encourage more flowers to form
300 seeds


Mentha suaveolens (Apple Mint) Seed

Characterised by a low menthol content and a fresh, fruity fragrance, wonderful to cook with and can be used with most meats, fuzzy leaves and stems, brew into a refreshing cold or hot tea, helps the body break down fat and thus aids weight loss, natural remedy for indigestion, nausea, and bloating, use as an anti-inflammatory, analgesic, cytotoxic, antioxidant, hepatoprotective (liver), and antifungal agent, rich in vitamins C, A, and B2
Seeds will sprout in 10 to 14 days, Full sun or shade, medium water, drought tolerant, tolerates a wide range of soils, cut them back in winter, grow them in containers or in the garden, 60 cm tall


Amaranthus (Hopi Red Dye) Seed

Reddest seedlings of any amaranth known, Excellent for micro-green mixes, rich in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, foliage makes a nice edible green, beautiful baby leaves in salads, cook seeds to eat as a breakfast grain or grind into a flour, tasty seeds can be eaten raw, roasted or toasted, cut flower
Seeds will germinate in 5 to 10 days. Full sun, moderate water, drought tolerant, heat tolerant, fertile, well-drained soil
500 seeds


Amaranthus ‘Pony tails’ Seed

Long, deep red, tassels of of flowers. Leaves are very nutritious and make a nice edible green, rich in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, beautiful baby leaves in salads, cook seeds to eat as a breakfast grain or grind into a flour, tasty seeds can be eaten raw, roasted or toasted, cut flower
Seeds will germinate in 5 to 10 days. Full sun, moderate water, drought tolerant, heat tolerant, fertile, well-drained soil, plants are very tough, grows 1.2 m tall
500 seeds


Calendula officinalis (Pot Marigold) Seed

Annual, herb, vibrant edible flowers in shades of orange and yellow, taste is slightly bitter, tangy, with a peppery flavour, used for medicinal, cosmetic and culinary purposes, Calendula tea made from leaves and flowers is packed with antioxidants and is used to treat many health conditions. Harvest flowers regularly to promote additional blooming, repels nematodes from the soil
Seeds will germinate in 7 to 14 days. Full sun, average water, moderately fertile, well-drained soil, 50 cm tall
200 seeds


Lavendula dentata (French Lavender) Seed

Evergreen, bushy shrub, French lavender has a very long bloom time and grows well in containers, also one of the best varieties for topiaries, easily pruned to keep a compact size, ideal for low hedges, walkway liner, stunning in mass plantings, attractive to bees and butterflies.
Seeds will germinate in 30 to 50 days. Full sun, medium water to dry, sandy, well-draining soil, low maintenance plant, prune at the end of flowering season, replace plants every 3-4 years, 80 cm high
100 seeds


Verbascum thapsus (Woolly Mullein) Seed

Biennial with a deep tap root, which helps improve soil structure by breaking up compacted layers, attract bees and other beneficial pollinators, mullein is very commonly consumed as a tea,leaf has been used to treat respiratory conditions, fight viral infections, helps with sleep and relaxation, anti-inflammatory, pain-relieving and more, flowers are used for cough, whooping cough, tuberculosis, bronchitis, pneumonia, colds, flu, swine flu, fever, allergies, tonsillitis, and more, oil is extracted from the flower and used as a remedy for earaches, eczema, and some other skin disorders, leaves known as “cowboy toilet paper”
Seeds will sprout in 10 to 15 days. Full sun, average water needs, quite drought tolerant, will grow in any soil but prefers dry sandy soil, does well in poor soils, produces a low rosette of large, fuzzy, silvery leaves, in the second year plants can grow to more than 2 m with tall flower stalks
200 seeds


Passiflora edulis (Pruple Granadilla) Seed

70 to 80 days to Harvest. Purple skin, delicious, juicy, very aromatic fruit, seeded pulp-filled centre, striking flowers, vines are fast growing and vigorous, need a sturdy trellis structure, richer aroma and flavour than the yellow variety.
Seeds will germinate in 10 to 20 days, full sun, medium water needs, deep, loose soil that contains plenty of organic material. Apply a generous layer of mulch. Add compost or manure every year.
300 seeds


Kiwi Fruit  Seed

Vines will flower 3 to 4 years after planting. The vigorous vines, need a sturdy support system, plants are either male or female. These are hardy Kiwi rootstock, for proper yields, graft with a low-chill cultivar for best yields.
Seeds germinato form 20 to 50 days. Full sun, fertile, well-drained soil, vigorous growing vines, training needed to keep the vines from tangling and knotting. 
100 seeds


Physalis peruviana (Cape Gooseberry) Seed

Harvest in 14 to 16 weeks from planting.
Juicy, golden-orange fruits in ‘paper lanterns’ aromatic, sweet-yet-tangy flavour, tropical taste, eat fresh as a snack or use in salads, sauces and jams, pies and tarts, The demand for this fruit is on the rise due to its high nutritional value, it contains impressive amounts of nutrients, Vitamin A, B1, B2, B3, C, E, K, Iron and Phosphorous.
Seed germinate in 2 to 6 weeks.
Full sun, well drained, sandy soil, do not apply fertilizer, any nitrogen results in more foliage and no flowers or fruit.
200 seeds


Growing Medium  Seed Starter

This serves as a top-notch, versatile seed starting blend suitable for both professional and hobbyist cultivators worldwide. It effortlessly absorbs moisture, provides effective drainage, maintains optimal moisture levels, and encourages swift seed germination. Additionally, it fosters the development of robust seedlings equipped with sturdy root systems, ensuring their resilience during transplantation and subsequent flourishing.

High germination performance
Excellent aeration/oxygen exchange
Water absorbent formula
Superb drainage
Weed and Pest Free
Polystyreen Free


2 Litres

24 Litres

